Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Looking for Inspiration

Last-day-of-holiday thinking kicked in today and at dinner time I still hadn't taken a photo today.  So after feeding myself and then thinking it's too cold to go out now, looked around for inspiration.  This grainy photo is taken on the iPod.  The photo of the Eiffel Tower is my "flukey" good shot, so this photo is to remind me I can take quite cool photos sometimes!!   I might need the reminder later in the year when winter arrives.  Back to work tomorrow, so no doubt town will throw something at me for a shot!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Roadside collection

Most people like to collect something, but this is slightly ridiculous!

Okay, so I realise they probably belong to a roadside crew... but there was nothing else about near this fence, no trucks, cones, actual roadworks...!

Monday, 27 February 2012

Holiday dinner

I'm on holiday still, so I can have a Speights on a Monday night!  I like to think I have the healthy balance right with the salad!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Colouring the concrete jungle

This plant looks like it's growing from concrete, rather than a gap near the fence.  A splash of colour against a grey fence and grey footpath.  I changed the photo with an antique filter.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Potential preserves

Today's photo is an indication of what I'm going to be doing tomorrow - making my first lot of tomato chutney.  Starting with a half recipe in case it all goes pear-shaped!

I'm very proud of my tomatoes this year - never grown such a good crop!

Friday, 24 February 2012


A night out at Sumner, at the Tapas bar... and we were entertained with some great spanish music and a little flamenco!

Thursday, 23 February 2012


It's nor'west again and when I went for my walk the wind was whipping the trees.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Silver Linings...

They say every cloud has one.  On the eve of the Feb 22 EQ one-year anniversary, this was the sky as I drove home from yoga.  I thought the timing was perfect. 

Monday, 20 February 2012

Keeping the city seasonal...

Today the busy garden folk were re-planting City Mall, removing the dead sunflowers and putting in some fresh colour for Autumn, keeping our container-mall bright and cheery!  Job well done!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Prickly things

Mum bought me my first succulent six or seven years ago, and I love them. This wee one is having babies... might be time to transplant it to a bigger pot.  It's the only one doing so well in this rubbish weather we're having.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Things To Love About Chch #2

This little card gives me access to one of the country's best libraries, and one of the best resources in Christchurch!  Quakes and all they've kept providing us with information, books and online newspapers!

Friday, 17 February 2012

Oooh, me achin' feet!

After a day on my feet, which I'm not used to, this is what is called for!

The foot spa ... getting jolly good use.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The Confused Hydrangea

Hydrangeas are pink or purply-blue, depending on the acid in the soil.  This one is a bit confused - it's pink and blue all on the same plant!  Maybe it's some really weird acid in the soil!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Leave your shoes at the.... street?

A strange sight caught my eye on the way to yoga tonight... at the corner of the street, pushed in by the bushes, a pair of ladies' shoes.  If they were red I would have said Dorothy had been there.

I did look up, but there was nobody up a tree!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Suspended in Motion...

Two photos today, today just as I left work I looked up, as I always do at the HGC to see the little digger ("The Little Digger that Fascinates", January 28th)  being removed!

Up, up and ....


Sunday, 12 February 2012

Mr Bumble does his thing

My dahlia plant attracts lots of bumble bees, they work away at it on a daily basis!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

A new hobby.... attempt #1

My first ring made, using one of my blog photos - the gladioli!  

Friday, 10 February 2012

Retail Therapy

Someone's been indulging at a local institution... the Ballantynes Sale.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

A new hobby

No, it's not a drug habit.  They are glue syringes!  I'm going to give some jewellery making a go... watch this space for the end result!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Four Legged Friends

I had dinner at my friends' place tonight.  Yummo!  John and Della have a very live-wired pup called Odin, who John described as being a "rebellious teenager".  He can be very cute and adorable, when he's calm.... tonight we got a mix.  Not that you could tell in this shot.  Butter wouldn't melt!

He's a sharpei-staffi cross with other bits in him - possibly a bit of whippet, and as some say, dingo!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Natural Barometer

Today's photo is of the Port Hills.  No, really.  You see, when you can see them, chances are it's not a bad day.  When you can't, you know it's cold - either the Southerly creeping over them, or the Easterly creeping in front of them.  So you can guess the weather at my place this evening!  :-)

Monday, 6 February 2012

Little House at the Market

It's been a market weekend for me, today I headed to the Waitangi Day Market at Riccarton House.  To the side of the "Big" House, is the "Little" House! It's so cute, even with it's propped up chimney.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

It's a Farm Life

I took a trip out to Oxford to visit their famed Farmer's Market today.  I've always had a thing for hay bales - I used to try and get arty shots of them when traveling around Ireland!

As it was a yet another grey day, decided to make this one sepia... and hence a little arty!

Oh yeah, and I bought lovely fresh fruit and eggs at the market, then some handmade earrings at the Craft Market!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Brightness on a dull day

I am so over these grey days. The sun did attempt to come out a couple of times today and I ventured out, but had a slight camera malfunction,  (no spare batteries) so I had to resort to a garden shot today when I got home to get back into the groove...   Anyway my marigolds are companion planting for my vege garden and do brighten the place up!

Friday, 3 February 2012

No Photos

Sorry, no photos yesterday or today as I've been crook... back to usual business tomorrow!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Things To Love About Chch #1

Occasionally I'm going to put things I love most about Christchurch on here.  Today's pic is one of those things.  Hagley Park.  What a gem we have in the heart of our city.  The gardens, the golf, the rugby, the netball, the runners, walkers.... and the hub of entertainment fixtures!  We are blessed.